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Fresh Creamy Blonde Pussy


A片類型:無碼DVD 1片


上架時間:2024-04-29 發行日:2024-04-15

品番1:ID8628 品番2:ID8628



AV女優:ChanelCamryn HaleySpades MollyLittle SkylerStorm DannySteele JaySmooth RyanDriller RyanMcLane

價  格:30

購買數量: 1

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Synopsis: Haley Spades, Chanel Camryn, Skyler Storm, and Molly Little are fresh creamy blonde teens with some real daddy issues, actually, "stepdaddy" issues! And these young horny girls are determined to become the alpha pussy of the house!
Scene 1: Haley's (Spades) been dumped by her girlfriend and thinks her life is ruined. Her stepfather (Ryan Driller) tries to reassure her that she's 19 and can do whatever she wants. And with that advice she does!
Scene 2: Chanel (Camryn) sees her ex-stepdad (Ryan Mclane) when she makes a delivery to his house. After 4 years of not seeing each other, she's blossomed, he's taken good care of himself, she admits she's always had a crush on him and this is going to get messy!
Scene 3: Skyler's (Storm) not interested in going to the library and tells her stepdad (Danny Steele) she has a rash, as an excuse not to go. He questions her and invites him to see the rash for himself. He can't find one, but the devious teen gets what she really wants her stepdad's cock!
Scene 4: Molly (Little) can't take a shower; she tells her stepdad (Jay Smooth) there's no hot water. But this manipulating teen is just looking for an excuse to drop her towel and titillate her stepdad into giving her some grown-up love!





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